Monday, February 22, 2010

Dr. Sketchy's, February 2010

Theme: Malice in Wonderland

Note to self: the new 11"x14" sketch pad is great, but it's kind of hard to use on a 8.5"x11" scanner...

1 minute warm ups

5 minutes each

10 minutes

20 minutes

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Dr. Sketchy's Anti-Art School, Ottawa, January 2010

I missed the first two sessions of this out-of-the-ordinary life drawing class. Dr. Sketchy's Anti-Art School started in New York in 2005 and only just showed up here in Ottawa. This time, some of the rough and ready ladies from the Rideau Valley Roller Girls Roller Derby league posed for us. The classes are currently held on the last Monday of every month at the Mercury Lounge club.

Apparently I can't spell "dastardly". Or "dolls". I blame the beer.

Weekend sketches

Full page sketch

8.5" x 5" Moleskine

First sketch of 2010

20 minutes.

Last chance to start drawing in 2009!

(Done in 2009, posted in 2010. C'mon, you knew what I meant :)