Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Dr. Sketchy: Mirror of Love

And so marks the first time I've completed a sketchbook, from first to last page. Don't get me wrong; I've marked up a whole lot of sketch books, but I've never actually pushed to fill a sketchbook to the very end. Moleskine, 8x5 inches.

1 minute

2 minutes

5 minutes

10 minutes

20 minutes each

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Collected Works of Conan

Conan was among some of the first comics I ever read. In fact, I'm a couple of issues short of having the complete set of Savage Sword of Conan. The first book I ever read was definitely a Conan book. (Was it just called "Conan" by L Sprague de Camp?)

Conan definitely set the tone for my reading preferences for the rest of my life :)

So, I just got a Kindle and found that Robert E Howard's stories were now in the public domain. What else could I do but learn how to create ebooks and compile all the ones I could find into a single volume and publish it?

If you want to download the book, you can go to my deviantart page and download the zip file using the "Download File" link on the upper right.

You can find out more about the mobi format at http://wiki.mobileread.com/wiki/MOBI.